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HackersCorner – JPEG_Comments

About a year ago, my daughter scanned nearly 600 old family photographs, adding captions to them as she went. This was fine as a start but then I was asked for photos of my grandparents’ weddings there was nothing for it but to look through 600 thumbnails. Unless I...

A Vendor-Agnostic Logo for APL

A Vendor-Agnostic Logo for APL

Something special has happened. It is now 55 years since APL as we know it first became available. Though various vendors and implementations had logos, APL as a whole never had one. But finally, APL joined the club of programming languages with a logo. (Fortran...

Larger than life automata

Larger than life automata

Larger than life automata have been known for some decades. Recent examples in [1] triggered the author's interest into investigating them with J. These automata use rules that are a straightforward generalization of the rules for the Conway's Game of Life that was...

J-ottings 59 Love Actuarily…

J-ottings 59 Love Actuarily…

In my experience of demonstrating APL and later J to potential customers, the one group for which it was always guaranteed to generate excitement was actuaries. I was therefore intrigued to read Jeremy Smith’s article “Using J for Actuarial Applications – Part 1: The...

Conquering recursion

Conquering recursion

This article presents a set of combinator patterns which can be used to decompose recursive procedures into smaller, more reusable components. Examples of the resulting programming style are contrasted with their more conventional equivalents. We additionally show...

Writing a Utility function

Writing a Utility function

This is an article on writing a piece of code in APL that will be reused often. It is aimed at people relatively new to APL. It depends on what you are trying to achieve. Is it supposed to be a blazingly fast specialized utility or will it be a...


Welcome to Vector, the Journal of the British APL Association. The BAA promotes the APLs, terse programming languages derived
from Iverson’s mathematical notation.

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