- Editorial, Stephen Taylor, p.3
- Remembering Eugene McDonnell, Roger Hui, p.5
- BAA Annual General Meeting 2010, Anthony Camacho, p.10
- A personal view of APL2010, Graeme Robertson, p.16
- Notes from APL2010, Devon McCormick, p.20
- APL 2010 – Berlin, Mike Hughes, p.24
- APL2010 – a brief introspection, Brian Becker, p.26
- Best APL2010 conference presentations, Vibeke Ulmann, p.28
- BAA AGM 2010 – Chairman’s Report, Paul Grosvenor, p.33
- The APL Phrasebook Project, Phil Last, p.37
- Bring something beautiful, Roger Hui, p.40
- Treetable: a case-study in q, Stevan Apter, p.42
- A commentary on the formulator, Neville Holmes, p.72
- Understanding font embedding, Kai Jaeger, p.83
- Financial math in q, 2: The price of bonds, Jan Karman, p.89
- J-ottings 53: Punctuation and rank, Norman Thomson, p.96
- Backgammon Tools in J: 2. Wastage, Howard A. Peelle, p.106
- Functional Calculation 4: The year 1998, Neville Holmes, p.110
- Simulating the Enigma, Keith Smillie, p.117