- Editorial: Ch-ch-changes, Stephen Taylor, p.1
- Changes at the BAA, Paul Grosvenor, p.6
- Extraordinary General Meeting of the BAA, Anthony Camacho, p.9
- Regulations of the British APL Association, Anthony Camacho, p.10
- Annual General Meeting of the BAA, Anthony Camacho, p.14
- BAA Management Committee Meeting, Anthony Camacho, p.16
- Sustaining Members’ News, APL2000, p.17
- Sustaining Members’ News, Dyalog, p.19
- Sustaining Members’ News, Kx Systems, p.23
- Fire from Heaven (Review: Q for Mortals, by Jeffry Borror), Adrian Smith, p.29
- First experiences with Unicode in Dyalog 12, Adrian Smith, p.41
- Parallel Each, David Liebtag, p.51
- Classes as a tool of thought, Simon Marsden, p.57
- An Autobiographical Essay, Kenneth Iverson, p.70
- In Session: The ruler’s edge revisited, Ray Polivka, p.87
- LearnAPL: Apprenticeship Scheme Announced (Advertisement), Dyalog & Optima Systems, p.89
- SALT II, Dan Baronet, p.90
- Functional calculation 1: numerical ingredients, Neville Holmes, p.99
- J-ottings 50; If you think J is complex, try j, Norman Thomson, p.106
- Partitions of numbers: an efficient algorithm in J, R.E. Boss, p.121
- About polynomials: Part 1, Gianluigi Quario, p.132