- Editorial, Stephen Taylor, p.2
- Wildheart, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Zark News: Word Wrap, Gary Bergquist, p.22
- J-ottings 41: Shortest Paths and Related Algorithms, Norman Thomson, p.34
- Review: APLX Beta 2.0.1 for Windows, Ajay Askoolum, p.42
- Report: APL2000 and Dyalog at Naples Beach, Adrian Smith, p.64
- Report: APL Germany in Ingolstadt, Adrian Smith, p.74
- The Tower of Hanoi, Roger Hui, p.78
- Further Surprises involving a Man and a Goat: The ‘Monty Hall’ Problem Solved, Devon McCormick, p.85
- Celtic Knotwork in J, Michael Horton, p.90
- ACROSS and DOWN, Brian Schott, p.99
- At Play with J: The Google Test, Eugene McDonnell, p.116
- Tools, Part 3: Object Comparison, Dan Baronet, p.123
- Launching a Workspace in Windows, David Crossley, p.131
- Using J in Excel, Richard Hill, p.133
- More on Execute Inverse, David Crossley, p.140
- R.net: A Reverse Polish Interpreter for .Net, Richard Smith