- J-ottings 13: Rational Fractions, Norman Thomson, p.33
- DNA Fingerprinting in APL, Ian Clark, p.38
- Do APL2 and J Come up to Scratch?, Norman Thomson, p.46
- The UK National Lottery, Alan Wilson, p.51
- OpenGL Graphics and J, Chris Burke, p.58
- Emulation of AP207 in Dyalog APL, Skomorokhov & Kornilovsky, p.64
- The IML Matrix Language: A Belated Introduction, Donald Pittenger, p.78
- HTML Basics for APLers – Tables, Adrian Smith, p.83
- Namespaces in Causeway, Duncan Pearson, p.94
- Object Oriented Programming with APL+Win (Part I), Eric Lescasse, p.106
- APL and J (5): Operators – Inner Product, Each, Commute, Compose, Chris Burke, p.129
- At Play With J: Oh, No, Not Eigenvalues Again!, Eugene McDonnell, p.135
- The API Problem as a Particular Recurrence Problem, Andrei Buzin, p.140
- Editorial, Duncan Pearson