- APL95 (San Antonio) Abstracts, , p.10
- Letter: Answers to J problems from Vector 11.3, Norman Thomson, p.12
- Jot-Dot-Min, Ian Clark, p.21
- J-ottings 5: Append Items, Norman Thomson, p.27
- Fractnomials?, J.R. Sutton, p.30
- Locales in J, Chris Burke, p.49
- Review: J Release 2.05 for Windows, Dave Ziemann, p.53
- Workshop: APL in a Client-Server Environment, Jon Sandles, p.62
- Here be Dragons, Sylvia Camacho, p.69
- Teaching with Executable Notation – Part 1, Ken Iverson, p.76
- Perils of Subtraction, Donald McIntyre, p.93
- Primes, Spirals and Coffee Tables, Keith Smillie, p.104
- Stereograms in J, Eddie Clough, p.110
- The Age of the Vicar (Solution), Alan Sykes, p.118
- Letter: Understanding your File Timestamps, Ray Cannon, p.121
- Letter: The Common Mean, Roger Hui, p.123
- Letter: Chaos – Computer Error not to Blame, Nicholas Small, p.125
- Letter: ASCII Representation of APL Characters, Ken Iverson, p.131
- At Play with J: Cribbage 15s, Eugene McDonnell, p.135
- Functional Programming in J for Operations Research, Richard Brown, p.139
- Editorial:, Anthony Camacho
- Jot-Dot-Min: an outer-product of rock-bottom APL matters, Ian Clark