- Editorial: Profiting from Iverson’s work, Stephen Taylor, p.3
- Letter: APL Starmap, John R. Thorstensen, p.7
- Letter: Memories of Ken Iverson and APL, Paul Barnetson, p.7
- Letter: Kenecdotes, Sam Sexton, p.10
- Letter: SAGE: a new web server for APLers, Woody Butler, p.10
- news from Dyalog, Dyalog, p.12
- news from Kx Systems, Inc., Kx Systems, p.12
- news from MicroAPL, MicroAPL, p.12
- news from Causeway, Causeway Graphical Systems, p.12
- Meeting: The February 2006 KX Users’ Meeting, Adrian Smith, p.30
- Meeting: The 11th Annual Forest Seminar, Adrian Smith, p.36
- APL and Bloomberg Data Control, Antti Korpela, p.46
- Meeting: NYC JUG 20060314, Devon McCormick, p.50
- APL/J/K are top of the league, Graham Parkhouse, p.57
- Review of Mathematica 5.2, Ian Clark, p.60
- Objects for APLers: Part 3 of 3, Morten Kromberg, p.79
- J-ottings 48: Perming and combing, Norman Thomson, p.99
- Integer Apollonian circle packings in J, Cliff Reiter, p.106
- The supposed descent into chaos of the Logistic Equation, Sylvia Camacho, p.117