- Editorial, John Jacob, p.2
- Dyalog Ltd industry news, Morten Kromberg, p.4
- Optima Systems Ltd, Paul Grosvenor, p.8
- APL2000 Industry News, APL2000, p.9
- BAA: Chairmans report September 2013, Paul Grosvenor, p.14
- BAA AGM Minutes, James Greeley, p.15
- Reflections on a long life, Sam Sexton, p.18
- 2^64, Roger Hui, p.25
- A Question of character by Brian Becker, Brian Becker, p.34
- My favourite APL symbol, Roger Hui, p.36
- Using email services from APL, Chris Hogan, p.38
- Semantic arrays, Stephen Taylor, p.46
- Compiling APL to JavaScript, Nick Nickolov, p.54
- Boolean Reductions, Phil Last, p.62
- APLUnit – An APL unit test library, Gianfranco Alongi, p.67
- NFL Passer Rating by Brian Becker, Brian Becker, p.75
- Dyalog’s parser – a new parser in town, Dan Baronet, p.79
- ELI: a simple system for array programming, Hanfeng Chen & Wai-Mee Ching, p.94
- J-ottings 56 Trig Time , Norman Thomson, p.104
- L-systems in J, R.E. Boss, p.109
- Backgammon Tools in J: Ace-point Bearoffs, Howard A. Peelle, p.115
- Fibonacci and golden spirals, Cliff Reiter, p.118