- Editorial: The Wind from Denmark, Stephen Taylor, p.2
- Letter: One thir dex cubed?, Norman Thomson, p.4
- News from Dyalog, Dyalog, p.5
- MicroAPL News 22:1, MicroAPL, p.6
- News from Causeway Graphical Systems, Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd, p.7
- Report: Meeting of NYC JUG, June 2005, Devon McCormick, p.20
- Fun with Pascal’s Triangle by Howard Peelle, Devon McCormick, p.23
- Report: Dyalog APL Users Meeting, Elsinore, October 2005, Adrian Smith, p.25
- My Experience at the Dyalog Conference, Horacio Tovar, p.33
- A First Look at the Causeway APL to C# Translator, Walter Fil, p.38
- Using Delegates in an Interpreted Language, Richard Smith, p.49
- OO for APLers (part 1) , Morten Kromberg, p.56
- Lucidity Through Infix Notation, Phil Last, p.72
- Using DyalogAPL based .NET extensions in ASP.NET applications, Pertti Kalliojärvi, p.77
- At Play with J: Belgian Numbers, Eugene McDonnell, p.96
- J-ottings 45: A bit of OUTReach (or do I mean outrEACH?), Norman Thomson, p.102
- ARQUE – An insight into its methodology, Alan Sykes, p.109
- Statistical Methods Discovered by the Power of APL, Peter-Michael Hager, p.115
- Pair Programming With The Users, Stephen Taylor, p.128
- Meeting of NYC JUG on 20050614, Devon McCormick
- Dyalog APL Users Meeting: Elsinore 2005, Adrian Smith
- Using DyalogAPL based .NET Extensions [Kalliojärvi], Pertti Kallioj�rvi
- Enigma 1368, Adrian Smith