- Editorial: Discover, Learn, Profit, Stephen Taylor, p.2
- Letter: Thoughts on the Urn Problem, Eddie Clough, p.4
- CRCOMPARE in J, Adam Dunne, p.7
- At Play with J: Metlov’s Triumph, Eugene McDonnell, p.25
- Functional Programming in Joy and K, Stevan Apter, p.31
- Function Arrays in APL, Gianluigi Quario, p.39
- A Sudoku Solver in J, Roger Hui, p.49
- Sudoku with Dyalog APL, John Clark, p.53
- APL2000 + Web Component (part 2 of 2), Eric Lescasse, p.62
- APL Idioms, Ajay Askoolum, p.92
- Review of “Mathematical Computing in J (Peelle)”, Cliff Reiter, p.97
- J-ottings 44: So Easy a Child of Ten … , Norman Thomson, p.101
- Zark Newsletter Extracts, Gary Bergquist, p.108
- Developer Productivity with APLX v3 and SQL, Ajay Askoolum, p.117