- Editorial, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Zark News: Execute Inverse, Gary Bergquist, p.25
- Notes about Execute Inverse Functions, David Crossley, p.33
- Execute Inverse, Nicholas Small, p.36
- J-ottings 39: All Verbs are Monadic, Norman Thomson, p.43
- Report: APL2000 at Naples Beach in November, Adrian Smith, p.51
- Regular Expressions and the PCRE Library, Bill Rutiser, p.64
- A Layman’s Tour of .Net, Adrian Smith, p.82
- Bell’s Theorem and Matrix Mechanics, Graeme Robertson, p.91
- A Conversation between Stevan Apter and Manfred von Thun, Stevan Apter, p.101
- At Play with J: Giddyap , Eugene McDonnell, p.117
- Elliptic Curves and Factoring (I), Cliff Reiter, p.123
- Show and Hide with Splitters, Paul Mansour, p.137