- Editorial: Quotable Quotes, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Internet Update, Bob Hoekstra, p.7
- News from Sustaining Members, Dyalog Ltd, Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd & MicroAPL Ltd, p.9
- J-ottings 38: Decline and Rise: A Matter of Rank, Norman Thomson, p.37
- Report: Dyalog 2003 Conference, Adrian Smith, p.44
- The Take Care System, Peter Pichler, p.63
- ZIMMERER: Roof Design with APL, Michael Zippel, p.68
- Using Namespaces to Manage a CD Database, John Daintree, p.70
- Solving the “Now I Know” Problem in J, Howard Peelle, p.92
- Towards a general theory of formula inversion, Ian Clark, p.100
- Data Compression with Dfns, Veli-Matti Jantunen, p.107
- A Variable Editor, David Crossley, p.111
- At Play with J: The Magical Matrix, Eugene McDonnell, p.122
- Taking the RTF Challenge, Adrian Smith, p.127
- R.Net: A Reverse Polish Interpreter for .Net, Richard Smith, p.136