- Guest Editorial: Should Vector Teach Mathematical Grammar?, Sylvia Camacho, p.3
- AGM and Accounts 2002-03, Anthony Camacho, p.7
- British APL Association – Summary of Annual Accounts 2002/03, Nicholas Small, p.9
- Zark News: Numbers to Words, Gary Bergquist, p.25
- J-ottings 37: How Many Obtuse-Angled Triangles Are There?, Norman Thomson, p.38
- BAA AGM Meeting – Vendor Presentation, Adrian Smith, p.44
- Report: APL Germany, Adrian Smith, p.45
- Matrikx Reloaded, Simon Garland, p.49
- Report: Kx Systems Celebrates 10 Years, Steph Johnson, p.54
- Report: APL at FCRC2003 in San Diego, Ian Clark, p.56
- Why APL Programmers Don’t Use Libraries , Morten Kromberg, p.62
- [email protected], John Scholes, p.74
- Hungarian Method Cost Assignment, John Scholes, p.80
- Taming Barrel and Tilt Distortion, Cliff Reiter, p.87
- Graphical Simulation of Rearview Mirrors, Brian Schott, p.96
- Hacker’s Corner: Square Me Up, Adrian Smith, p.114
- At Play with J: Greed, Eugene McDonnell, p.117
- Tools, Part 2: Basics Too, Dan Baronet, p.122
- New Foundations, Graeme Robertson, p.132