- Editorial: Vector 18:4, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- News from Sustaining Members, MicroAPL Ltd & Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd, p.13
- Zark News: Generalised Searching, Gary Bergquist, p.29
- J-ottings 32: The Stylish Part of Vector, Norman Thomson, p.41
- Report: Forests in Finland VI (Report and Pictures), Adrian Smith, p.48
- Dynamic Functions in Practice, Veli-Matti Jantunen, p.50
- Using OLE with Dyalog APL and Excel, Conrad Hoesle-Kienzlen, p.54
- A PDF Primer for APLers, Adrian Smith, p.77
- Report: APL Germany in Munich, Adrian Smith, p.85
- Playing with the Beast Number with J, Michel Dumontier, p.88
- The Abstraction Mechanisms of Vector Pascal, Paul Cockshott, p.100
- Three Principles of Coding Clarity, Stephen Taylor, p.113
- Hacker’s Corner: Packages in Dyalog APL, Ray Cannon, p.126
- Letter: Rank and Extending the Domains, Norman Thomson, p.129
- At Play with J: Second Order Josephus, Eugene McDonnell, p.132
- Hypergeometric Functions and CDFs in J, Ewart Shaw, p.139