- Editorial: Vector 18:3, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Update on A+, Adrian Smith, p.8
- News from Sustaining Members, Dyadic Systems Ltd, MicroAPL Ltd, APL2000 Inc. & Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd, p.9
- Review of “J: the Natural Language for Analytic Computing”, Cliff Reiter, p.31
- Zark News: Killing Comments, Gary Bergquist, p.38
- J-ottings 31: Symphony in J minor, op.31, Norman Thomson, p.52
- Report: APL2000 User Conference at Naples, Florida, Ray Cannon, p.57
- Strategies for Dealing with Multiple Arguments: The Case for Names, Eric Landau, p.64
- What, in Computing, is Worth Learning?, Anthony Camacho, p.71
- The Image2 Addon, Cliff Reiter & Cliff Zachary, p.80
- Hacker’s Corner: Ghost variables, Ray Cannon, p.90
- At Play with J: The Counterfeit Coin Problem, Eugene McDonnell, p.93
- Bach’s Endlessly Rising Canon, Ray Cannon, p.104
- Extending the Domains, Phil Chastney, p.115