- Editorial: Vector 18:2, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Letters, Ajay Askoolum & Mike Day, p.9
- An Implementation of A, Adrian Smith, p.14
- News from Sustaining Members, MicroAPL Ltd, APL2000 Inc. & Causeway Graphical Systems Ltd, p.18
- Zark News: Polyadic Functions, Gary Bergquist, p.38
- J-ottings 30: Jaesthetics, Norman Thomson, p.50
- Getting started with A, Adrian Smith, p.56
- An Elementary Tutorial on Conjunctions, Donald McIntyre, p.64
- Using Structures between GUI and Relational Databases, Tomas Gustafsson, p.78
- Can Anyone Tell Me Where I’m Wrong?, Sylvia Camacho, p.86
- Formatting Dates in Dyalog APL and APL+Win, Adrian Smith, p.97
- Letter: Conditional Idioms, Phil Last, p.104
- Letter: Matrix inversion modulo p, John Sullivan, p.106
- Persistence and Shadows, Stephen Taylor, p.110
- MUCIPHER: a new Short Cipher that Escapes Cryptanalysis, Michel Dumontier, p.117
- Function Models, Phil Chastney, p.132