- Editorial: APL98 and the Future of APL, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Honorary Doctorate for Ken Iverson, Roger Hui, p.8
- APL98 Retrospective, Paolo Di Chio, p.10
- British APL Association – Annual General Meeting 1998 (RSS, London), , p.11
- British APL Association – Summary of Annual Accounts 1997/98, , p.15
- News from Sustaining Members, , p.18
- K-Lite: First Impressions, Jim Lucas, p.36
- Book Review – It’s APL, but not as we know it, Ajay Askoolum, p.47
- Zark News: Utility Corner and Crossword-3, Gary Bergquist, p.51
- J-ottings 17: Auto-stereograms and the Data Craftsman, Norman Thomson, p.60
- APL98 (Rome) Conference Reports, , p.65
- APL98 – a Personal View, David Crossley, p.66
- APL98 – Observations, Ray Cannon, p.74
- APL98 – The Dyalog OCX Workshop, Peter Donnelly, p.81
- APL98 – New Gems from Old Roots, Bob Hoekstra, p.97
- HTML Basics for APLers – Servers, Adrian Smith, p.105
- APL and the Mountain, Anne Wilson, p.119
- Hacker’s Corner: How Big is that Metafile?, Adrian Smith, p.128
- Letter: Random Link Generator, John Sutton, p.130
- At Play With J: To Summarise, Eugene McDonnell, p.132
- Utilities for the Dyalog session, Ray Cannon, p.138