- Editorial: Giochiamo col mondo, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Editorial: Giochiamo col mondo, Stefano Lanzavecchia, p.3
- Letter: Calculating Medians for Nested Arrays, Norman Thomson, p.9
- Review: RainPro Publication Graphics, Bob Byers, p.33
- Zark News: Character-Number Converter and Crossword-2, Jon Sandles & Jonathan Barman, p.38
- J-ottings 16: A Composition on Composition, Norman Thomson, p.48
- Volutes – a Survey of Algorithms, Howard Peelle, p.53
- APL and J: Working Together, yet Separately, Donald Pittenger, p.67
- Internet Programming with the Internet Server Auxiliary Processor, Andrei Kondrashev, p.74
- HTML Basics for APLers – Forms and Servers, Adrian Smith, p.91
- J4 and OOP, Chris Burke, p.103
- Hacker’s Corner: Six Megabytes in 640K?, Anthony Camacho, p.112
- Letter: Working with compressed data, Ray Cannon, p.117
- Letter: Niven Number Computing Speed, Eddie Clough, p.118
- Letter: More on Niven Numbers, Claude Henriod, p.120
- At Play With J: A Newer Random Link Generator, Eugene McDonnell, p.122
- Using OpenGL Graphics in Dyalog APL, Skomorokhov & Zalivine, p.128