- Introducing APL to Teachers, Zdenek Jizba, p.19
- Curve Fitting in APL, David Appleton, p.23
- APL Printing on some Star Printers with I-APL, Anthony Camacho & Anthony Goodman, p.29
- ASL Standards, David Eastwood, p.46
- Differences in Second Generation APLs, Maurice Jordan, p.52
- Book Review “Programming in J” by Iverson, Keith Smillie, p.67
- Review: APL and J: Some Benchmarks, Rigg, p.70
- Panel Design: an APL Programmer’s Toolkit, David Crossley, p.74
- J Questions Answered, Roger Hui & Ken Iverson, p.94
- Hooks and Forks and the Teaching of Elementary Arithmetic, Donald McIntyre, p.101
- Cross clocks in J, Paul Chapman, p.124
- Exploiting VGA Colours, Adrian Smith, p.132
- Arrays with Style, Adrian Smith, p.140